Stretch Limo Hire London

Stretch Limo Hire London...

Hiring a stretch limo is all about style and often about necessity as you have a large number of people you need to transport and you don't want to have to take more than one car to your destination or make several round trips to pick everyone up.

However, hiring a stretch limo in London can be a hit and miss situation as you need to make sure you hire your limo from a limo hire company which is experienced and has professional and competent chauffeurs.

Your London chauffeurs will not only need to be experienced drivers, they will also need to be experienced with the exact stretch limo you are hiring and how to handle than limo on the London streets. A city like London presents traffic, congestion and narrow streets for the limo chauffeurs to overcome so a chauffeur who does not know how to handle their stretch limo in these conditions can ruin your special event or important meeting.

A stretch limousine is a unique vehicle in that almost every part of it has been changed and updated to become what it is now. The braking system, the suspension, the body work and the wheels and tyres are often not the original parts as they came from the manufacturer. Therefore, even if a chauffeur has experience driving a limousine, a stretch limousine is a completely different skill set.

The thought of driving a stretch limousine through the streets of London, let alone parking a stretch limousine outside of a church or hotel can make many drivers nervous. However at Limo Hire London we have an experienced group of chauffeurs who know how to keep their cool and help you keep yours.

By hiring a stretch limo and experienced chauffeur to get you around London you won't even notice the traffic or feel the size of the limo once you are inside, instead you will be able to enjoy the extra space and comfort, not to mention the appreciative stares of the people you pass.

For more information about hiring a stretch limousine in London, contact Limo Hire London now.

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